Tape PDF patterns

Before printing, be sure to TURN OFF THE LAYERS containing the sizes you do not need. ALSO, turn off the layer with the paper format you are NOT printing on. This step is also explained in the instruction booklets on page 2. 

We also have video on Youtube, where we show you how to tape the pages YouTube

The Pages are trimless. This means that you should not cut away the white unprinted edges.

Printing pages

Assemble the pages by aligning the left edge of the paper against the paper guideline on the right side of the previous page. The line for letter Paper is solid, and the line for A4 is broken. Treat the gap as if the paper was transparent.

How to print WBM patterns

Join the horizontal edges, placing the pages on top of each other at the line at the top and bottom if the pages.

how to assembly the paper pages


*All printers will leave a gap. Mine leaves a 7 mm gap, others leave a smaller gap.

**If the pages seem wobbly, you should try and restack the paper in your printer paper cassette, and make sure they are stacked tightly.

*** If you are still having problems, focus on getting each pattern piece taped together nicely, rather than making a large single sheet out of all the pages.