Tape PDF patterns

Let us guide you through how to print and Tape our PDF patterns together.

Our patterns are created in layers, which means you can print just one or several sizes rather than all sizes. To use the layers, you must use Adobe Acrobat ReaderDownload the reader here.  You can also use your print driver, but you have more options with an Acrobat reader. 

Open the pattern in the Adobe Reader. 

  • Choose which layers to print and hit the printer icon
  • Make sure that the buttons "Actual size" and "Choose paper source by PDF page size are turned on.
  • Print the first three pages ( check your instructions book to see which pages you need to print to check your pattern)

Tape the pages together.

In this example, we have printed the pattern on A4 paper,  sizes 36+38 / (6+8). The pages are trimless. Do not cut anything off the pages!

How to tape the pages together
  • Align the left edge on page 2 against the broken line on page 1.
  • Align the top edge on page 3 against the broken line on page 1.
  • Check that the squares measure 10 cm on vertical and horizontal edges.

Troubleshooting incorrect scaling

If the measurements are off, go back and adjust the scale. If the square measures 9,5 x 9,5 cm, you would increase the scale to 105%. 

Why Scaling Might Be Off When Printing Your Sewing Pattern

If the scaling is off, the issue is usually related to printer settings rather than the pattern itself.

Here’s why this can happen:

  1. Printer Settings:
    Most home printers have default settings that adjust the size of documents to fit the paper, such as "Fit to Page" or "Scale to Fit." This resizing can slightly shrink or enlarge the pattern.

  2. Margins and Non-Printable Areas:
    Some printers automatically adjust the print size to avoid printing in non-printable margin areas, which can cause scaling to be off.

  3. Update Drivers and Firmware:
    Ensure your printer’s software is up to date to minimize compatibility issues.

 Tape PDF patterns